Weekend with Marvels Comics and Muay Thai (June 2017)

Take a peek into the happenings at Library @ Trikora, during Uncle Han Sing’s programme with us, by clicking on the play button! (Side note: Plug in good earphones and watch with 720p or better!)

Josiah Gan Han Sing, or as we call him Uncle Han Sing, is an avid comic-drawer and outdoor enthusiast. He has previously published a comic book titled ‘Storm Warning: A Storm Approaches’.

2nd to 4th June Weekend Programme

The kids had an amazing weekend learning how to draw Batman from scratch! Under his patient and skilful teaching, we could do pretty well on our first attempt and were enthusiastic to try drawing out other characters. He has generously contributed comic books to our Library collection to satisfy our creative urges!

Afterwards, we had an energetic session of simple Muay Thai – which the kids participated in spiritfully! Way to go with the swift moves!

Not to forget, we had a whale of a time playing with Uncle Han Sing’s drone at Trikora Beach.

What a weekend! Thank you Uncle Han Sing, for the wonderful memories! May we reunite again on your next stay with us…

Connect with Josiah through his Facebook:https://m.facebook.com/josiah.gan

Josiah’s instagram:https://www.instagram.com/josiahgan/

His amazing artworks can be found here:http://hxg1646.deviantart.com/gallery/